Fuel Up to Play 60 style! We’ve got your blindside! Try running some of these ideas past your student team:
- Have your student team create a half time show for an assembly
- Contest: ask students to create a Super Bowl commercial related to nutrition/physical activity facts. Air the winners on announcements/school TV/website/Twitter, etc.
- Healthy Tailgate party
- Interview students on the announcements as “athletes” about how they get ready “for the big game” i.e. their favorite healthy foods and activities to stay fueled and be active.
- Favorite Team Apparel or Wear the Color of the Team You Think Will Win
- Create a timed combine to run through – announce winning girl and boy
- Coin Toss Relay: divide students up in multiple lines on two sides of the room. To begin, one side needs to flip a coin until they get “heads”, when they do they have to do 10 jumping jacks, then high-knee to the other side and tag the person across from them on the other side of the room. That person needs to flip a coin until they get “tails”, when they do they have to do 10 sit ups, then high knee to the other side. Back and forth until the first line finishes. (I totally made this game up, don’t judge me!!)
- Or, work with your food service staff and make DJ Humphries’ Coco-Berry Smoothie Bowl recipe! Posted on our Facebook and Arizona Milk Producerswebsite (or email me!)
Whatever you decide to do, please share! On Twitter, @AZFUTP60 #fuelgreatness #WeLeadAZ or tag our Fuel Up to Play 60 Facebook page. If you email your pics to myself or Pat, we can post for you as well Let’s go team!