Adapted Physical EducationAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Exhibits, Fitness, Future Professionals, Health, Membership, News & Events, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing, Skill Development

This year’s conference invites sport providers to gather over a common interest in ensuring athletes with disabilities have access to sport. Anticipating 300+ attendees at the event, discussion will center around improving access through centering people with disabilities in the business of adaptive sport.  Sessions offered during this event will fall under one of the following categories.

    • Sport-Specific Instruction
    • Non-Profit Management
    • Inclusion in Schools & Universities
    • General

All attendees can follow a specific category track or choose their own adventure!


The 2024 conference will be locally hosted by Ability360 Sports & Fitness Center, a Move United member organization. The Ability360 Sport & Fitness Center is a 62,000-square-foot universally designed, accessible and transit-oriented non-profit resources center serving the disability community in the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan area. Building off of attendee feedback requesting more interactive sessions, this partnership with the Ability360 team and its facility will allow for an increased number of hands-on workshops.