Danielle O’Reilly Certified DANCEPL3Y Kids Instructor
Be Positive! Be Fun! Be Yourself! Three simple rules to live by during a DANCEPL3Y workshop. Words not only perfect for the workshop, but for life. My school, Highland Junior High, in Gilbert, AZ had the honor of being the first school in Arizona, to receive a DANCEPL3Y workshop. Newly christened Certified DANCEPL3Y Kids Instructor and Arizona School Programs Coordinator, Danielle O’Reilly, led 7th grade students through song after song, and not once did they stop moving. Songs such as Katie Perry’s Dark Horse had the kids doing some dramatic tai chi moves and moving in different planes and directions to build their physical literacy skills. An epic class “battle” in hip hop style was an amazing scene as classes “faced-off” and flowed through a wave of movements.
Don’t know the moves? Guess what? It’s is totally OK. What ever your moves looks like is perfect. Physical literacy is the aim of DANCEPL3Y, which means helping students gain competence and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in multiple environments that will give them confidence to be active and healthy for life. The barriers of some students, those that aren’t really “into dance”, quickly broke down as they saw that this program is so much more than dance. The very loud, whole class statement of “I am awesome” to end the session sums up the positive message constantly being weaved into each dance and movement.
DANCEPL3Y’s philosophy is simple: “We believe that through movement you can do more than just help people get fit – that you can foster community, positive mindsets and vibrant health. Our goal is to help people discover, practice and maintain a positive and playful mindset towards physical activity and lifelong active living.” DANCEPL3Y originates in Canada and has traveled to such places as Ireland, South Africa, South Korea, China, Australia as well sponsoring a full-time salary for an instructor in Kenya who teaches DANCEPL3Y classes to women and children living with HIV/AIDS. Melanie Levenburg is the Program Director and Chief Play Officer of DANCEPL3Y and has worked tirelessly to bring the program to many schools and organizations to foster the positive vibe that emanates throughout the room. There are many options when it comes to bringing DANCEPL3Y to your program, for more information please visit www.dancepl3y.com/schoolprograms