Be Positive! Be Fun! Be Yourself! Three simple rules to live by during a DANCEPL3Y workshop. Words not only perfect for the workshop, but for life. My school, Highland Junior High, in Gilbert, AZ had the honor of being the first school in Arizona, to receive a DANCEPL3Y workshop. Newly christened Certified DANCEPL3Y Kids Instructor and Arizona School Programs …
Teacher Leadership, It’s Time to Start a Movement!
Board of DirectorsNews & Events, President's Message
It’s been 26+ years I have been in education. I still still remember the conversation with my physical education teacher in elementary school. She was and still is someone I looked up to and never wanted to disappoint. She asked me one day what I wanted to do when I grew up (not sure I actually have yet) and I …
Welcome from President Lynn Preble
Board of DirectorsPresident's Message, Public Relations/Marketing
WOW! What an amazing super-charged Convention we just had. If you were able to attend thank you so much for continuing to strive to be the best teacher you can be and attending meaningful, professional development. Our keynote speakers, Kymm Ballard and Sarah Lee were extremely inspirational and definitely had us all ready to put our superhero capes on and …