FREE In-Person Arts and Physical Education Summit

Matt Mixer, Executive DirectorAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Fitness, Future Professionals, Health, Membership, News & Events, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing

FREE In-Person Arts and Physical Education Summit Saturday, February 17th, 2024 8:00 am to 3:00 pm North High School Phoenix, Arizona The Arizona Department of Education Title IV-A Team would like to invite you to our first ever in-person Arts and Physical Education Summit.  This dynamic event brings together educators and school leaders to explore innovative approaches specific to arts and physical …

Be a Fountain…..In a world of gutters, be a geyser

AdvocacyAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Future Professionals, Health, Membership, News & Events, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing

As a young man, an All-Pro football player was pulled aside by his college football coach and told the secret of life: Everybody you meet in this world is either a fountain or a drain. “I need fountains,” the coach growled. “You, you are draaaining me!” “You’re either a giver of the basic wellsprings of life or a thirsty taker,” wrote J.R. Moehringer …

National Girls and Women in Sports Day

AdvocacyAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Fitness, Future Professionals, Health, Membership, News & Events, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing

Teaching commitment, teamwork, leadership, cooperation, strength, endurance and many other important qualities, girls and women who participate in sports will attest to the fact that it’s healthy and beneficial in a myriad of ways. National Girls and Women in Sports Day is here to raise awareness for and act as a reminder about the positive aspects of sports and the …

Western District Leadership Council Application

Board of DirectorsAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Future Professionals, Health, Membership, News & Events, Partnerships, SHAPE America

The Western District Leadership Council voted to have an application process in place of an election to select our 2024-2025 WD Leadership Council. For reference, SHAPE America currently uses the application process for all of it’s committees. We ask that you please share this application with anyone that may be interested. Applicants must be current SHAPE America members and …

Aren’t They Freezing? The REAL Reason Teenagers Won’t Wear Coats

Board of DirectorsHealth, News & Events, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing

They’re Just Not Cold With every parent screaming “FINE… freeze then!” when their kid walks out the door totally underdressed, this might offer some peace of mind. It turns out there’s some truth to this! According to an article in the Washington Post, “The metabolic rates for kids up through their teens are higher than those of most adults, and so are their activity levels. …

Register Soon!

AdvocacyBest Practices, Future Professionals, Health, News & Events, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing

15th Annual School Healthcare Training Event Saturday, February 10, 2024 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM The University of Arizona Pediatric Pulmonary Center is hosting the 15th Annual School Healthcare Training Event. Topics include Smoking Tobacco and Vaping, Weight Inclusiveness, Toxicology, Food Allergies, & Pediatric Mental Health Final Agenda to Be Released Soon! Location: University of Arizona Health Sciences Innovation Building …

Kindness Resources

AdvocacyAdvocacy, Best Practices, Health, SHAPE America

Now’s the time to learn more about SHAPE America’s health. moves. minds. FUNdraiser — and our new Random Acts of Kindness Week resources: Classroom Kindness Activities (for K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12); Random Acts of Kindness Week Calendars; Kindness Scavenger Hunt; Let the Kindness Roll Game Card; Pay It Forward Kindness Cards; Pass Kindness Forward Social Media Graphics; And more! View Kindness Resources

Congratulations Dr. Corbin!

Board of DirectorsAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Awards, Best Practices, Future Professionals, Health, Membership, News & Events, Public Relations/Marketing

Professor Chuck Corbin was honored as he received the White House’s Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award. The International Organization of Health, Sport, and Kinesiology (IOHSK) nominated him for this award. IOHSK’s CEO, Dr. Hosung So along with Dr Hyeonho Yu came to Phoenix to present Dr. Corbin with this wonderful award during the Awards Ceremony at the National Association for Kinesiology …

Be Part of the Conversation: Register for Arizona Farm to School

Board of DirectorsAdvocacy, Future Professionals, Health, Membership, News & Events, Partnerships

Community of Practice (CoP) Meetings What is a Community of Practice (CoP)? A community of practice (Co-OP) is a group of people who share a common interest, profession, or set of goals and come together to share knowledge, experiences, and resources. The members of a community of practice are typically practitioners who learn from one another through collaboration and sharing best practices. The …