Join us July 14th and July 16th for FREE Summer Workshop Opportunities with Palos Sports and Tim Taggart. July 14th from 1:30 – 3:30 at Woods Elementary in Tempe. This workshop is open to all teachers and requires no membership. This workshop will also feature Adapted Physical Education ideas. July 16 we will be out of the heat and in …
Free Summer Workshop Opportunities!
Join us July 14th and July 16th for FREE Summer Workshop Opportunities with Palos Sports and Tim Taggart. July 14th from 1:30 – 3:30 at Woods Elementary in Tempe. This workshop is open to all teachers and requires no membership. This workshop will also feature Adapted Physical Education ideas. July 16 we will be out of the heat and in …
Phoenix-based program using baseball as therapy for cognitive impairments, physical disabilities
PHOENIX — A Phoenix-based program is using baseball as therapy for those with cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer’s, and veterans in the VA with chronic physical disabilities. One of the facilities they partner with is the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute in Phoenix. The Society for American Baseball Research has created a “Baseball Memories” program to facilitate discussions and reminisce about the …
Growth Mindset Journal
Leadership Journals help teachers and students find their unique greatness! Download for FREE! 5-Day Growth Mindset Journal This journal is an intentional discovery focused on understanding and building Growth Mindset. Embrace challenges. Push through obstacles. Sustain your effort. Learn from feedback. And be inspired by others. Explore growth mindset for yourself. Then, introduce this Journal to your students. DOWNLOAD FREE
National Physical Education & Sport Week
National PE & Sport Week (also known as May Week) is a celebration of the importance of physical education and health education, in addition to kicking off National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. This year — to celebrate 50 years of Title IX — we’ve included some Title IX-themed activities for you to use in your HPE classes. And as …
Since 2014, over 32,000 FLAG-In-Schools kits have helped 15M students get active. Now it’s YOUR turn! Apply now for a FREE NFL FLAG-In-Schools Kit for YOUR school – great for use in PE class, recess, and before and after-school programs! Apply Now (Click Here)
Celebrating 50 Years of Title IX in Arizona
June 23, 2022, will mark the 50th anniversary of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Surviving many challenges through the decades, it is arguably one of the most significant pieces of civil rights legislation in America’s history. Arizona Health and Physical Education would like to hear your story. We want to highlight the positive impact that Title IX …
Is It Bullying?
Not sure how to identify bullying? First, you need a full understanding of what bullying is, and what it is not . Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. There are three main forms of bullying: Verbal bullying Social bullying Physical bullying If …
Where Does Your School Shine?
The Healthier Generation Award is a prestigious, annual distinction presented to schools that have demonstrated remarkable efforts to prioritize the essential health needs of students, staff, and families. Schools that receive a Healthier Generation Award meet or exceed best practice standards in one or more topic areas related to the physical, mental, and social-emotional health of students, teachers, and school …