Survey for parents of students in public school to gather data on perspectives and experiences of school-based physical activity? The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. If so, you can use this link. Thank you.
Upcoming PD with Joey Feith
Arizona Health and Physical Education is proud to offer a 90 minute FREE professional development with Joey Feith. Joey is the founder of and a well known PE Presenter. It will be held on APRIL 20, 2023 from 5-6:30pm. If you are interested in attending please complete this short google form in order to receive the Zoom link. A PD certificate will …
Adventures at #SHAPEseattle
Join Arizona Health and Physical Education President, Lara Cox and Membership Chair, Toni Chilton as they share their adventures from the 2023 SHAPE America National Convention that is currently taking place in Seattle. Please visit the following social media links to view their adventures. Facebook Twitter Instagram
Good Luck Toni!
Every year, some of the best and brightest educators are nominated to represent SHAPE America’s five districts. Want to know who was recently selected as a 2023 SHAPE America District Teacher of the Year? Check out our website to see the award recipients in each of the following categories: Adapted Physical Education Health Education Elementary Physical Education Middle School Physical Education High …
ESEA Consolidated Application
As a service organization, it is the intention of the Arizona Department of Education to provide exemplary customer service and to provide you with all the necessary tools to complete the ESEA Consolidated Grants Application accurately and in a timely fashion. In that spirit, we are seeking, over time, to streamline the application process for LEAs to the extent possible. The FY24 …
Universal Design for Learning in Physical Education
Hello Arizona Health and Physical Education members! This month’s blog hopes to provide you all with helpful information on how to implement the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into your current teaching environment. I’m sure most of you have heard of UDL by now and even if you haven’t, the information below might provide some insight on how …
2023 Arizona State Convention
Hello Arizona Health and Physical Educators! I hope this message finds you well, rested & enjoying spring break. My name is Lara Cox and I am your current AzHPE president. I am delighted to share with you who our keynote speaker will be for our state convention in October. Please watch the video below and find out that we are …
ADE special guest Joey Feith, will host a 90 minute webinar March 9th, 2023 5:00-6:30pm
Designing Games for Learning: Designing Games That Students Love To Learn Through When most people think about physical education, one of the first things that comes to mind are games. Games provide students with opportunities to move, sweat, and have some fun. However, when a game fails to go beyond those elements, it fails to meet its potential to transform …
2023 Arizona Adapted Physical Education Conference Schedule
The Arizona Adapted Physical Education Committee is excited to have Dr. Barry Lavay as our 2023 Keynote Speaker on Thursday, February 16. Barry Lavay, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology at California State University, Long Beach. His scholarship includes the areas of positive behavior support and effective teaching practices and students with disabilities. He is the first author of the co-authored …