Arizona Health and Physical Education would like to announce that Dr. Jennifer Houston, Mesa Public Schools is the Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year. This award is part of the Honor and Recognition Awards and will be presented on Wednesday, October 25th at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix. Congratulations Jennifer!
Meet the 2023 Arizona State Convention Speakers
Join us on Thursday, October 26th and Friday, October 27th at the Phoenix Convention Center, West Building to hear these outstanding speakers. Please visit the links below to view the convention schedule, state convention information and registration. State Convention Schedule (Click Here) State Convention Registration (Click Here)
Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year!
Arizona Health and Physical Education would like to announce that Ian Owens, Prescott Unified School District is the Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year. This award is part of the Honor and Recognition Awards and will be presented on Wednesday, October 25th at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix. Congratulations Ian!
Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year!
Arizona Health and Physical Education would like to announce that Larissa Talamantes, Mesa Public Schools is the Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year. This award is part of the Honor and Recognition Awards and will be presented on Wednesday, October 25th at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix. Congratulations Larissa!
Rookie Physical Education Teacher of the Year!
Arizona Health and Physical Education would like to announce that Brandon Jacobsen, Mesa Public Schools is the 2023 Rookie Physical Education Teacher of the Year. This award is part of the Honor and Recognition Awards and will be presented on Wednesday, October 25th at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix. Congratulations Brandon!
Future Professional of the Year!
Arizona Health and Physical Education would like to announce that Kelly Richardson, Arizona State University and Liberty Arts Academy is the 2023 Future Professional of the Year. This award is part of the Honor and Recognition Awards and will be presented on Wednesday, October 25th at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix. Congratulations Kelly!
Withholding Recess and Physical Activity
Hello Arizona Health and Physical Education members! It’s so hard to believe that we’ve already made it through the first quarter and it’s time for fall break! I say bring it on!! Not to mention it is almost time for CONVENTION! Remember our state convention and the APE conference are combining this year for two days of awesome sessions at …
PEAK Contest – Win $5K in PE Equipment + Professional Development!
Physical Education & Activity for Kids! This fall, US GAMES & BSN SPORTS are teaming up to support healthy school programming in one deserving school district. It’s all about establishing successful physical education and activity for kids. And it starts with performing at your P.E.A.K. Enter or nominate a district now for a chance to WIN an all-day, professional development …
Raising kids in a new era of technology: Smartwatches
Marissa Will – Arizona PBS In this new series, we will discuss children and technology, specifically how parents can use technology as an asset. Nowadays, it is impossible to avoid technology; even more so when our children’s classmates or friends have phones, tablets or smartwatches at young ages. As a parent, I had to face the music this school year …