Justification Toolkit to Attend the Arizona Health and Physical Education State Convention

PresidentAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Fitness, Future Professionals, Health, News & Events, Skill Development, State Convention

Join Us in Mesa November 6th and 7th at the Mesa Convention Center.  But first…. Use This Toolkit to Make the Case to Attend Develop talking points using the needs/benefits table to explain to your supervisor/principal how attending the state convention will help you meet the needs of the school’s/district’s current initiatives. Customize and send the justification template letter to …

Family Physical Education Week

Matt Mixer, Executive DirectorAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Fitness, Future Professionals, Health, News & Events

We invite you to participate in “Family PE Week” which is officially held the first week in October. However, this event can be celebrated at any time throughout the year. The goal of Family PE Week is to help families, schools and communities understand the importance of physical education. Active Schools has partnered with OPEN to provide teachers and schools with a variety of tools and …

Welcome back to the new school year!

AdvocacyAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Health, Public Relations/Marketing

You are being invited to participate in a research study titled Teacher Attitudes toward Curriculum in Physical Education. This study is being done by Steve Palmer from Northern Arizona University. The purpose of this research study is to determine whether an online version of a survey that uses a “forced choice” answer format effectively captures teacher attitudes toward four physical …

Free Professional Development for Arts and Physical Educators

Matt Mixer, Executive DirectorAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing, Skill Development

The Arizona Department of Education’s Title IV-A team would like to share the dates for our free Fall Arts and Physical Education Summit. The Fall Arts and Physical Education Summit will be taking place on Saturday, September 28th in Flagstaff Arizona, and will include professional development for Arts and Physical Educators to explore practices in instruction, assessment, and other relevant topics …

2024 State Convention Keynote

Board of DirectorsAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Exhibits, Future Professionals, Health, Membership, News & Events, Partnerships, President's Message, State Convention

Arizona Health and Physical Education President, Chelsey Sands, is proud to announce that Jen Heebink will be the Keynote Speaker for the 2024 Arizona State Convention, November 6th and 7th. Jen Heebink is the 2022 SHAPE America National Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year, 2022 Central District Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year, and 2020 MNSHAPE Adapted PE Teacher of …

Arizona Teachers Can Score Classroom Grants with Every Cardinals Touchdown

Matt Mixer, Executive DirectorAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Membership, News & Events, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing

Applications open August 1, 2024 WHAT: Football season is here, and SRP and Cardinals Charities are partnering for the sixth year on the Touchdowns for Teachers program. The program awards $500 grants to two teachers every time the Cardinals score a touchdown during the regular NFL season. Teachers can use the grants to purchase school supplies, books, equipment, or anything …

Founders Award

Awards CommitteeAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Awards, Best Practices, Health, Membership, News & Events, Public Relations/Marketing, Skill Development

The Founder’s Award in honor of Arizona Health and Physical Educations founder, Ina Gittings. This honor will be awarded to a teacher that is currently teaching and has taught for 25 years or more and is still making a difference. This individual should not be currently retired. Below is a statement about Ina Gittings that may help with understanding the …

2024 Teachers Institute and Leading Change

Board of DirectorsAdapted Physical Education, Advocacy, Best Practices, Future Professionals, Health, News & Events, Partnerships, Public Relations/Marketing

Registration is selling fast! You won’t want to miss out on this exciting event for Arizona educators and leaders hosted by the Academic Standards team – created by teachers, for teachers.   ESSER Funds may be used for Conference Registration.  Remember: If you don’t use it you lose it! CONFERENCE REGISTRATION LINK Registration includes access to: – Over 100 Sessions – Keynote Speakers and …