After 30 years of training and educating coaches and athletes, Strength of America is giving back with a free clinic for Coaches, PE Teachers and Parents, then afterward a free clinic for athletes ages 10-17 to learn the system that has kept their athletes safe and dominate on the fields, courts and mats for the last 30 years here in …
Congratulations Toni Chilton!
Toni Chilton, Arizona Health and Physical Education President-Elect, along with president-elect’s from other states participated in the national Leadership Development Conference last week in Kansas City. The national LDC is hosted by the Society for Association Management for the purpose of bringing state, district and national leaders together to learn, collaborate and network. Toni had the opportunity to learn about …
Dodgeball Is Fine for Adult Leagues, but Not for PE Class
Stephanie Morris and Christopher Hersl June 21, 2019 The first paragraph of Jacob Bogage’s June 7 article in The Washington Post, “Dodgeball is a tool of ‘oppression’ used to ‘dehumanize’ others, researchers argue,” states that dodgeball is one of “gym classes most common games.” We at SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators, found this disheartening and scary, but not …
Andy Milne to Keynote the 2019 Arizona State Convention
Heather Chewning, President of Arizona Health and Physical Education would like to announce that Andy Milne will be the Keynote Speaker for the 2019 Arizona State Convention, November 21st. Andy Milne has traveled around the world in his 23 years as a teacher and coach, teaching and coaching on four continents. Originally from England, Andy taught physical education in London …
Get ready, health. moves. minds. is launching this August! Arizona Health and Physical Education is excited to partner with SHAPE America to introduce health. moves. minds. This program teaches our young people how to take care of their MIND & BODY while developing those ever important character traits such as kindness, compassion and empathy. It includes skill based and standards …
Free USAPA Pickleball Workshop at Pecos Park
Arizona Health and Physical Education in partnership with USAPA would like to announce the first of two scheduled Free Pickleball Workshops. The first workshop will take place on Saturday, September 14 at the new Pecos Park Pickleball Complex in Ahwatukee. The seconded scheduled workshop will take place at Paseo Highlands Park Pickleball Courts on Saturday, February 1, 2020 in North …
360 Summer Camp
At 360 Summer Camp we specialize in all-inclusive adaptive sports for all youth ages 6-14 in the Phoenix area and throughout Arizona. Our camp is delivered by a professional and experienced staff and will include recreational games, inclusive sports, indoor climbing, and aquatic activities. Lunch will be provided each day. $50 or daily drop-in $20 *Members and non-members **Scholarship Available …
2019 Arizona Award Nomination Process is Now Open!
Arizona Health and Physical Education President, Heather Chewning and Awards Chair, Courtney Teatro would like to announce that the Nomination Process for 2019 Honor and Recognition Awards, including Teacher of the Year Awards is now open. The 2019 Honor and Recognition Night will be held at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix on Wednesday, November 20th. 2019 Awards Eligibility Requirements Educators …
Bullying Prevention is a Community – Wide Effort
Bullying can happen anywhere, not just at school. When the power of a community is brought together to address it, bullying can be prevented. Community-wide strategies can help identify and support children who are bullied, redirect the behavior of children who bully, and change the attitudes of adults and youth who tolerate bullying behaviors. Community partners such as mental health …
In case you didn’t see it earlier this week, the new health.moves.minds. logo debuted this week! Please feel free to share this video with everyone and THANK YOU for your help in getting the word out about this new program from SHAPE America!